The Importance of Insulating your Foundation

If there’s one thing that just about every homeowner in Minneapolis and Saint Cloud can agree upon, it’s that it’d be nice to save money on energy bills. A lot of people don’t realize how high energy bills come about in the first place, yet there are a number of different things that can factor into this. Often overlooked is

Cold floors can be a real pain in the foot!

It may seem difficult to identify the reason for cold floors during the winter, but oftentimes it is something fairly simple and easy to correct. For instance, if your attic is not properly insulated warm air will escape out of the top. This causes cold air to be drawn in from your crawlspace underneath the floors and, in turn, causes

Winterize While it’s Warm: Part One

Yes, old man winter is nearly three months away, but if you do any shopping this week you’ll notice fall décor on sale already and Christmas items everywhere in the aisles. Winter is just around the corner! So along with raking leaves and harvesting tomatoes, homeowners should be planning to winterize their homes. Aim for the next few weekends while

Infographic: How Big is Your Pile of Coal?

Ever wonder how much coal is being burned to keep your home cooled with air conditioning in the summer? Wonder no more. EnergySavvy has an infographic that visualizes the coal it takes to keep an average home in the Southeastern U.S. comfortable with air conditioning, compared to the same house with an energy efficient air conditioner, and the same house

Pole Barn Buildings Have Leaky Insulation

Many post and frame buildings have been insulated with Fiberglass insulation. This process was better than nothing however now many of these poorly insulated buildings are in need of a tune-up. Because of the fact that the metal sheathing has many penetration points through holes and mis-aligned laps in the siding, this leakage has been known to severely de-value the

Video: RetroGreen Energy listens to the building science experts!

RetroGreen Energy specializes in the science of how to fix all of the insulation, ice dams, heat loss and gain problems with existing buildings. Many insulation contractors do not have a full understanding of the very important details surrounding building science that are explained in this video.

Is Your Insulation Working? Find Out with an Energy Audit

Winter’s coming. It’s already heating season. So how do you save money on heating costs? You’ve got to own your heat. Simple as that. You’ve paid for all that warm air already, so it doesn’t make much sense to waste it now. A simple enough premise – it’s the application that gets complicated. We (and most building science experts) strongly

Everything You Need to Know About the Home Star Retrofit Act of 2010

Pending in the Senate is a bill called the Home Star Retrofit Act of 2010, or simply Home Star for short. Sometimes referred to as Cash for Caulkers in street slang, the bill would provide a series of financial incentives for homeowners to increase the energy efficiency of their homes through substantive, effective improvements to their homes that save homeowners

Energy Efficient Landscaping for Cooling Down

On cold winter days, a ray of sun streaming into your house can be most welcome – a free source of heat. But what about in the summer, when those rays of sun and other, less-evident solar heat, seep into our already too-hot houses and become a costly nuisance? Well, what happens is that you lose money. But using landscaping

Upgrade Your Refrigerator, Save Money Twice

One of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home (besides, most likely, your thermal envelope, which lets expensive conditioned air escape through air leaks and poorly insulated walls) is the refrigerator. Upgrading it, believe it or not, can save you a bundle of money in the long run, as long as you don’t simply put your old fridge down in