Pole Barn Buildings Have Leaky Insulation

Many post and frame buildings have been insulated with Fiberglass insulation. This process was better than nothing however now many of these poorly insulated buildings are in need of a tune-up. Because of the fact that the metal sheathing has many penetration points through holes and mis-aligned laps in the siding, this leakage has been known to severely de-value the preformance of the existing insulation that protects the building from heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter.

So what can a owner of one of these structure do to correct the leaky building syndrome with out tearing the building apart? Well the answer is RetroFoam. One of the products that RetroGreen Energy offers is RetroFoam. RetroFoam is a non-expanding, shaving cream like foam that is injected into wall and ceiling cavities of such post and frame structures. Because of the large need to improve the comfort and lower the operating cost of such buildings with increasing heating and cooling costs. RetroFoam is a perfect solution that can be installed in 1 day.

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