Centerpoint Energy offering Insulation Rebate Program to Elk River, MN

Energy savings for existing homes is more than just saving a few bucks and getting some rebates, but these benefits sure help raise awareness for one of smartest things homeowners can do to their homes to create comfort and increase home value. This fall of 2018 Centerpoint Energy will be focusing on the city of Elk RIver to increase awareness for their air sealing and insulation program rebate program with rebates totaling over $1000.00.

Many people think adding insulation is just that, just blow some stuff on top of what they have. The reality is, the biggest benefit to insulating your exiting is actually finding and sealing air leaks first that are hidden underneath the insulation. Back before contractors knew any better, they would just blow and go, and not do any of the detailed work to seal up small holes that cause heat to leak out through the porous insulation in the winter causing the furnace to run more and insulation to get damp from warm humid air leaving the house in the winter.

Likewise in the summertime, these air leaks cause the hot attic air to push into the house through the old insulation and cause the air conditioner to operate more frequently which costs you, the homeowner, money. These rebates are only available if you choose a Certified Contractor that has been chosen by Centerpoint Energy and has been proven to do the important detailed work of sealing air leaks with spray foam before any additional insulation is blown in.

RetroGreen Energy is a certified Installer for both Centerpoint Energy and Xcel Energy.

RetroGreen Energy was awarded the 2018 efficiency partner of the year and prides itself on helping its customers achieve premier comfort and savings potential by doing attics right and not taking shortcuts. Hidden Leaks can be easily identified by a insulation and air sealing professional at RetroGreen Energy.

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