How to Prevent and Remove Fall Allergens in Your Home

woman using long tissue sneezing from seasonal allergies

The days are getting shorter, and although the changing colors and falling leaves are beautiful to look at, many people need to catch a glance through sniffles and sneezes. Spring is the biggest insurgent of allergies for most, but fall can be equally as bothersome.

While you might be expecting to encounter a few fall allergens as you enjoy the weather outdoors, too many homes aren’t properly equipped to keep Mother Nature where she belongs–outdoors!

Check out a few tips for preventing and removing fall allergens from your home.


Clean the Air in Your Home

Keep the air in your home as clean as possible. Inspect all filters and ducts in our home to remove any blockages or fix any issues. Change the filters in your HVAC system to be sure they are performing at their best. You might also consider investing in a quality air purifier.


Fight Mold

Fall is a moldy season! The falling leaves retain moisture and harbor excess mold growth. Be sure to rake and properly dispose of them. The same goes for Halloween jack-o-lanterns once they’ve passed their prime. If you are especially prone to mold allergens, see if you can find someone to help you–maybe the boy down the street would like to make ten bucks!


Keep Fabrics and Clothing Clean

Allergens such as ragweed can latch onto your clothing, bedding, drapes, and carpeting.  Make sure you are regularly cleaning the fabrics in your house. This is especially important after you and your family spend extended periods outside.


Pick Up Some Nasal Spray

A simple saline nasal spray will help relieve your mild allergy symptoms and help clear out your nasal passages from allergens and built-up mucus. You might also consider picking up a nasal rinse, which can provide a deeper clean.


At RetroGreen, we understand that indoor air allergens are troublesome. Part of the reason we work so hard to improve insulation performance is to improve the Indoor Air Quality and comfort levels in your home. Think your home could use an upgrade? Contact us today!

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