Take Control of Your Attic

Fall is here in Minneapolis and Saint Cloud, MN. For many, it’s the time of year to reflect upon the fun of summer and start thinking about preparing for the cold winter months ahead. This is especially true for homeowners in the area, who must take advantage of the short window of time left before the snow starts falling. From heating maintenance to replacing old windows and doors with new, energy-efficient versions, there are countless home upgrades that can be made during the fall to ensure a more comfortable winter.

If you’re looking for the most effective way to increase your home’s comfort and efficiency this winter, look no further than your attic.

The Attic and Home Performance

It’s easy to allow the attic to sit in the periphery, as many people rarely even find themselves entering their attics more than once or twice a year. The fact is, however, a home’s attic is a prime source for heat loss, allowing warm, conditioned air in your living spaces to escape via something called “stack effect.” With stack effect, air moves from the base of your home upwards, until it eventually reaches the attic. Once this occurs, the air typically escapes from the attic, thus causing your heating system to work even harder.

Why is this happening? The problem is typically a result of a lack of insulation. As many as 90% of American homes are actually under-insulated, which can easily lead to drafty rooms, decreased indoor comfort and energy loss. Naturally, this makes heating the home more difficult, hindering home performance to a noticeable degree.

The Solution: Air Sealing and Insulation

If your attic is currently allowing heat loss to occur, the problem is only going to get worse once the winter hits. The solution can be found in insulating and air sealing the attic, thus keeping warm, conditioned air inside where it belongs rather than allowing it to escape. At RetroGreen Energy, we utilize a number of insulating materials to ensure that attic performance issues can no longer plague your home, including our specialty injection foam that air seals and insulates at the same time.

Our team of home performance professionals will analyze your current attic insulation to identify any “problem areas” and determine exactly which types of insulation should be applied. We’ll work with you and your budget, answering any questions you may have about how insulation can help boost home performance and increase indoor comfort levels.

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